Aclaracion inicial: Las fotos no estan cortadas o algo asi, es por el ancho de la pagina que para ver loq ue flata hay que deslizar la barra de despalazamiento al final de la pagina, y si alguien llega a leer TODO lo que escribi, que es bastante, se lo agradeceria mucho. Dude bastante al escribir las cosas, y ahora en armarlo.
Bonjour Sweet Child...
Ultimamente eh comenzado las "entradas" de esta web con esa frase... asi que hoy tambien
Hoy es the Last Carnival, Sou deja Lolita23q, y la banda sigue adelante con un
nuevo vocalista...
Eh visto en varias paginas personas que dicen que se entristecieron con la noticia
y otras personas a las que no les importa
que Sou deje la banda y le dan la bienvenida a nuevo vocalista.. ahora
yo me pregunto que clase de fan son??
No es algo tan sencillo de asimilar la partida de Sou..
se que como han dicho muchos, el no escribe todas las canciones, pero en fin
mis canciones favoritas, las escribio el. Y yo pienso que el hecho mas
importante aqui es que el canta esas letras, y las haya escrito o no, el le da
ese sentimiento.. tan especial que hace que cada vez que lo veas cantar.. que
escuches su voz.. sientes algo especial
aclaro que no estoy hablando como fangirl, no me refiero a "ese" sentimiento
especial quiero decir que el transmite sus sentimientos al cantar.. a eso me refiero.
si canta algo triste, tu lo sientes, asi como si es algo que canta enojado, tambien
lo sientes y si, cualquier persona puede decir, cualquier vocalista hace eso.. pues en mi caso
Sou es el unico que hace que llegar esos sentimientos.
Hay muchos que dicen, que su voz no es especial, que es similar a otras
al escuchar como primera impresion puedes llegar a decir esto, pero si REALMENTE
escuchas SU voz, puedes notar lo diferente que es.
Volviendo a la partida de Sou, algunas personas lo tomaron sin importancia, diciendo que,
SIN importarles Sou, se debe seguir apoyando a la banda, ya que el no lo es todo, yo estoy en desacuerdo con eso...
por eso "cerrare" la pagina temporalmente (quiero decir, no colocare aqui ninguna novedad, hasta saber mas noticias del futuro de SOU no de la banda)
Otras personas, lo tomaron con enojo, y se dignaron (segun el diario de Sou) a enviarle mails a Sou diciendole..
si se tomaria la molestia de seguir en la musica. Yo digo ahora, quien se creen que son para decirle eso?
Si el dejara la musica seria algo pesimo, ya que los fans no podrian saber mucho mas de el, lo se,
eso puede entenderse. Pero decirle eso, yo no se en que piensan esas personas, quien se creen que son para tratar asi a Sou
En fin, el dijo que seguira en la musica y que realmente le entristecio como todos tomaron la noticia (Esto lo lei en las traducciones del diario de Sou,no lo estoy inventando ni soy adivina, ni leo sus pensamientos, oke?)
Bien, sigamos, tampoco me gusto como tomo la banda esta partida de Sou,
como sabran ellos pusieron en sus diarios alguna que otra entrada hablando sobre la partida de Sou
diciendo que compartieron buenos momentos, pero que ya no, y que deberia terminar , que Sou debia seguir su propio camino.
Y uno de los miembros en especial , a mi parecer, debio escribir algo mas.
Ban solo escribio en su diario: - Larga vida a Lolita23q!
y a Sou que lo parta un rayo verdad?
Pues yo hubiese preferido que Ban dejara la banda. A MI se me hace insoportable...
Sou es especial , y no puedo imaginarme a la banda sin el, o a el en otra banda.
O peor aun, a OTRO vocalista interpretando sus canciones! Esto seria horrible de escuchar PARA MI.
Me considero una verdadera fan de la banda, pero no puedo seguir apoyandolos
sin Sou en ella. Y algo mas que quiero decir, yo no creo que un VERDADERO fan sea
la persona que compra todo su material original, diciendo yo apoyo a la banda, hazlo tu tambien!
Se que esta bien comprar su material, pero no todos podemos. No debe uno considerarse un gran fan solo por poder tener el dinero para comprar TODO de ellos. Una pregunta, esas personas
realmente aprecian eso que compraron? o solo esperan a que salga algo nuevo, y asi continuamente
sin detenerse a apreciar eso que ya tienen.
En fin me eh desviado de tema...
Hoy es su ultimo concierto.. el ultimo concierto de Sou
Lo mas triste, es que no podre ver a mi banda favorita en vivo jamas, es realmente triste pensar en eso...
Lo se, puedes decir, hazte fan de su proxima banda y ya no te quejes!. Pero como dije
LOLITA23Q en conjunto, unida como estaba hasta ahora, es mi banda favorita. Y no podre verlos juntos jamas
No culpo a Sou en ningun momento por dejar la banda, todos dijieron que fue su decision.
Hace un tiempo yo deje un comentario, cuando acababa de lanzarse
Marble Shaking Ward, de que la musica habia cambiado, y culpe a Sou por eso
Ahora me doy cuenta de que no es su culpa, la musica de Lolita23q ah cambiado bastante desde hace ya un año, desde que el empezo a no sentirse a gusto, desde que sus ideas y las de la banda tomaron diferentes rumbos.
Por eso, ME RETRACTO de lo que dije, la culpa no era de el, sino de la banda.
Ahora mi historia... que creo que ya la eh contado en algun que otro sitio.
Empeze a escuchar Lolita23q hace un tiempo ya...
Baje de la web como todos hacen, el single de Reizai Real Monitor.. y al mismo tiempo
baje un single de AN cafe
Entre esas dos bandas, elegi a Lolita23q y kuro ni kago... se convirtio en mi tema favorito
De An cafe solo me gusto un tema, y no termino de convencerme, de tal manera que en este momento ya no me gustan.
Despues de haber escuchado ese single y terminar de gustarme
busque algun PV, el primero que vi fue Mikansei Sapphire. Ah por cierto, olvide mencionar, que la primer foot que vi de ellos
fue con la vestimenta de Risou Kakuu Toshi, le tengo un gran aprecio a esa epoca.
Desgraciadamente aun no eh podido comprar ese maxisingle.
Eh escuchado muchas bandas de visaul kei, y hasta hoy ninguna ah podido reeemplazar a Lolita23q.
Un video que me ah echo reir muchas veces, es este:
En especial cuando dicen bokari bensho o denshoo
Conservo muchos recuerdos y alegrias de la epoca que empeze a escuchar Lolita23q junto a una persona
que tambien le gustaba la banda. De todas formas esa es otra historia, que no vale la pena contar.
Me gustaria ahora recorrer la historia de Sou en Lolita23q los inicios de Lolita23q
Donde encontramos a un Sou muy diferente del de ahora, (visualmente) y por estas epocas
estaba su antiguo guitarrista Megumi.
En esta epoca la banda luce como una de las tantas bandas Oshare, pero que
supo diferenciarse del resto y fue evolucionando.
La era del sombrero de Sou Quien no extraña el clasico sombrero de Sou?
En la mayoria de las fotos y estilos de esta epoca el estaba con su sombrero
Cambiando de colores pero seguia ahi
Ahora definitivamente ah desparecido. Auque podemos ver con mas claridad su cabello.
La bufanda Desde la epoca de Mikansei sapphire,Red Room en adelante
Sou lleva la clasica bufanda al reves.
La ultima vez que aparecio fue en Ceramic Star.
El cabello de Sou A lo largo de los años Sou ah cambiado su cabello
Lo vimos al comeinzo con el cabellos mas dorado o anaranjado
luego fue aclarandolo cada vez mas, hasta llegar a cabellos grises casi blancos
En las ultimas fotos pudimos verlo "a lo natural" con el cabello oscuro
y ahora en Best ah vuelto a ser anaranjado. Desde comienzos de la banda hasta ahora, se puede notar el cambio en la voz de Sou,
esta se ah ido desarrollando y ahora suena distinta de antes. De todas formas no ah
dejado de sonar bien en ningun momento.
Para terminar con esto, que... creo que no tengo nada mas que decir, solo que habia preparado
mas cosas para este dia( Unas canciones, mas fotos, y un dvd), pero no pude finalizarlas, tal vez las coloque luego. Tambien quiero arreglar el diseño de la pagina, algunas fotos han quedado desordenadas y debo arreglar esto.
Prometo terminar la web luego.
Y para finalizar con este triste dia, espero que se sepan novedades sobre Sou pronto, yo se que el no defraudadara
a sus verdaderos fans, y deberian apoyarlo en este nuevo camino que el emprende solo
y la banda, A MI , ya no me importa demasiado.
Porque hoy perdi a mi banda favorita.
Algo mas, como es mas que obvio mi estado de animo, usare el google translator para poner esta "entrada" en ingles tambien
asi todos pueden leerla o.o
I will support SOU ever! The band without he doesnt matter me more!
Bye- Bye
Aclaracion: Aclaro que en ningun momento me referi a una persona especifica con las criticas
y esto no fue escrito tampoco con intenciones de herir o molestar a alguien es solo mi opinion o mi vision
como dice al inicio de esta web:
esta pagina esta dedica da A MI VISION de la banda Lolita23q.
Tampoco pretendo despreciar a la banda, es solo lo que yo pienso y siento de la partida de Sou.
Y desde ya me disculpo si ofendi a alguien con lo que escribi.
Otra cosa que olvide mencionar es un agradecimiento especial a:
esta chica, fue quien muy amablemente subio el ultimo dvd de Lolita23q
yo le pedi varias veces si podia subirlo, en primera instancia ella lo subio a
un sitio bastante extraño, creo que chino o.o
y las descargas no avanzaban mucho, asi que le volvi a pedir que lo subiera
y asi lo hizo muy amablemente , lo subio a megaupload.
Ahora por donde quiera que busques encontraras el dvd que ella subio, me alegra que al menos
algunas paginas le dan los creditos correspondientes. Ya que fui muy insistente con ella
pidiendole que subiera el dvd, ya que ansiaba mucho verlo y no tenia el dinero para comprarlo.
Asi que le agradezco nuevamente por subirlo n_n.
Y otro agradecimiento mas a mi amiga del LJ Synthelementt (
quien amablemente me dijo que translatearia por mi la lyric de Strawberry Candy. Gracias n_n
Gracias por leer
Y Gracias a quienes visitaron, afiliaron, comentaron y visiten la pagina. (=・ω・)
Thanks Lolita23q for be the Best for my ever!
Si alguien quiere opinar o decir algo sobre lo que escribi puede ahcerleo, dejando un comment en la entrada de mi livejournal:
Ahora les dejo algunas otras imagenes que prepare tambien:
IF this text isnt correct if because i use the google translator, because im not very happy today because sou depart. Sorry if something could be understand, when i could, i will put another translation made by me. Not for the google translator XD.
Initial observations: The photos are not cut or something, is by the width of the page you can view the rest if you check the slide bar at the bottom of the page and if someone comes to read everything I wrote, that enough, I would appreciate very much. Dude enough to write things down and build it now.
Bonjour Sweet Child ...
I lately begun "entries in this site with that phrase ... so also today
Today is the Last Carnival, Sou leaves Lolita23q, and the band proceeds with a
new vocalist ...
I seen on various pages at people who say they were saddened by the news
and other persons who do not care that Sou leaves the band and they welcome new vocalist .. now
I wonder what kind of fan are you??
It's not easy to accept the departure of Sou ..
many people can say that, he not written all songs , but anyway
my favorite songs, he wrote it. And I think that the most
important here is that he singing those lyrics, and has written or not, gives
that feeling .. so special that makes each time you see singing .. than
hear his voice .. feel something special
I clarify that I am not speaking as a fangirl, I not talk about"that" feeling
I want to say that you can feel his feelings when he sing .. that's what I mean.
if he sing something sad, you feel like this, as well if he sings angry, too
anyone can say any vocalist do that .. because in my case
Sou is the only one who makes those feelings come.
Many people can say that their voice is not special, say too that this is similar to other
Well, when you hear this how first impressions can say this, but if you REALLY
hear his voice, you may notice how different it is.
Returning to the departure of Sou, some people took it unimportant, saying,
WITHOUT caring Sou, should continue to support the band, he isnt everything, I disagree with that ...
therefore "shut up" page temporarily (I mean here colocare not nothing new to know more news about the future of SOU not the band)
Other people, they took it in anger, and were kind enough (according to Daily Sou) to send mails telling Sou ..
if you would take the trouble to continue in music. I say now, who believe they are to say that?
If the music would stop somewhat pessimistic, and that fans might not know much more about him, I know, that can be understood. But saying that, I do not think that those people who think they are to talk like this to Sou
In short, said it will continue in music and that really saddened as everyone took the news (This is what I read in the daily translations of Sou, I'm not inventing or I guess, or read their thoughts, ok?)
Well, go on, not like me as the band feel about the departure of Sou,
as you know they put in their journals the occasional entry talking about the departure of Sou
saying they shared good times, but no longer, and that should end, that Sou was to follow his own path.
And one member in particular, in my opinion, should have written something else.
Ban only wrote in his diary: - Long live Lolita23q!
and to Sou that truth be damned?
Well I wish the person that leave the band will be Ban. I think that he is unbearable...
Sou is special, and I can not imagine the band without it, or he in another band.
Or worse yet, another vocalist performing his songs! This would be horrible to listening FOR ME.
I consider myself a true fan of the band, but i cant continue to support they if Sou isnt in the band . And something else...I do not think that a true fan is the person who buys all its original material, saying I support the band, do you too!
I know that buy their material is really good, but not everyone can do it. One must not only be considered a huge fan if just can have the money to buy all of them. One question, these people
really appreciate that their bought? or just waiting to come out something new, and so on
without stopping to appreciate that they already have.
Well, this isnt the point afeter all..
i continues...
Today is their last concert .. the last live with Sou
The most saddest thing is that I will not see my favorite band ever in a live concert, it's really sad to think that ...
I know, you can say, become a fan of his next band and you do not complain!. But i like see
Lolita23q together, united as it was until now, is my favorite band. And i can not ever see them together
Sou do not blame in any time to leave the band, everyone was sad that his decision.
Some time ago I leave a comment, when he first launched
Shaking Marble Ward, that the music had changed, and i say that the faults be of Sou
Now I realize that's not his fault, music from Lolita23q ah changed considerably since a year ago, since he started to not feel at ease, since their ideas and the band took different paths.
Therefore, I retract what I said, the fault inst of he, is the band.
Now my story ... and I think i talk about this in another website also. I started to hear Lolita23q some time ago already ...
The first single that i have donwload is the single Reizai Real Monitor .. at the sime time that i download
a single from An Cafe
Between these two bands, I chose to kuro no kago...of Lolita23q and so became my favorite subject
just a theme of An Cafe I liked and did not convince me finish, so that at this moment I do not like.
After having heard the single i looking for their PV, the first thing I saw was Mikansei Sapphire. Oh by the way, forget to mention that the first picture I saw of them
was with the clothes of risou Kakuu Toshi, I have a great appreciation for that time.
Unfortunately i not yet been able to buy that maxisingle.
i heard many visual kei bands, and even today i dont find another band so much good like Lolita23q.
A video that made me laugh many times, is this:
Especially when they say or denshoo Bokari Bensho
I retain many memories and joys of the time that he began to listen Lolita23q with a person
they also liked the band. Anyway that's another story, not worth telling.
I would like to now explore the history of Sou in Lolita23q
Sou where we met him looks a very different from now, (visually) and these times
Megumi was the former guitarist.
At this time the band looks like one of the many Oshare bands but
known apart from the pack and was evolving.
The hat of Sou
Who does not miss the classic hat Sou?
In most of the pictures and styles of this time he was with his hat
Changing colors but still there
Ah now definitely disappeared. but now you can see more clearly their hair.
The scarf
From the time of Mikansei sapphire, Red Room and after..
Sou is the classic scarf backwards.
The last time that this appeared was in Ceramic Star
The hair of Sou
Over the years, Sou hair was changed.
We saw this most gold or orange hair at the begin
was then further clarifying, reaching almost white gray hair
In the latest pictures we could see "a natural" with dark hair
now in BEST his hair returned to orange.
Since the beginning of the band until now, you can notice the change in the voice of Sou,
this is ah now been developed and sounds different from before. Anyway this no
ceased to sound good at any time.
To end this, that ... I have nothing more to say, only that i was had prepared
more things to this day (a few songs, more pictures, and a DVD), but could not end them, maybe i put this later. I also arrange the design of the page, some photos have been messy and I must fix this.
I promise to finish the course website.
And to end this sad day, I hope we can know news about Sou soon, I know that he not disappoint
to their true fans, and should embrace this new way that the initiator only
and the band, at me, I do not care too much now.
Because I lost my favorite band.
Anything else, like more than obvious my mood, use the Google translator to put this "entry" in English too
so everyone can read it either -
I will support SOU ever! The band without he doesnt matter me more!
Clarification: I clarify that in no time I referred to a specific person with critics
and this was not written with intent to injure or annoy someone is just my opinion and my vision
as stated at the beginning of this site:
This page is dedicated to my vision gives the band Lolita23q.
is just what I think andthat i feel for the departure of Sou.
And if I offended anybody with what I wrote im sorry.
Another thing that is sure to mention special thanks to:
this girl was the one who very kindly climbed the final dvd Lolita23q
I asked several times if I could upload it in the first instance she upload this into
a strange Chinese site o.o
and downloads did not move much, so I went back to ask her if she can upload this to another webiste
And she did this very nicely, she upload this to megaupload.
Now everywhere you look you will find the DVD that she upload, I am glad that at least
some pages give proper attribution. Because I was very insistent with her
requesting to go up the dvd, because i not had money to buy it. and i was wanna see this so much.
So thank you again for uploading n_n.
And one more thanks to my friend's LJ Synthelementt (
who kindly told me that she will transltate the lyric of Strawberry Candy to me. Thanks n_n
Thanks for reading:)
And thanks to those who visited, linked, commented on and visit the page. ((=・ω・))
Thanks Lolita23q for be the Best band for my ever!
If anyone want to say something about that i write, can doing this, leave a comment in my livejournal entry:
Lolita23q - integrantes
Sou - vocal
Ryuto - Guitarra
Yuki - Guitarra
Ryosuke - bajo
Ban- bateria
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